

Traditional style railway station

Hsinchu Station - operated by TRTS -, Taiwan (August 2004)

This lively train station in the centre of Hsinchu City is still in use. In comparison to most of the other stations in Taiwan it has maintained its outward appearance dating way back to the end of the 19th century. Some people were stunned...


How to use a cellphone (FOMA, i-mode)

Since my birthday has just come to an end, I've come to the conclusion that I need a new posting in this blog. Here it comes!

The girl on the left demonstrates how to use a mobile
in Japan (Yamanaka Flower Garden, July 28, 2004)

Never use your phone just for talking, it is just not the way to use it. If you ever get a japanese cellphone with a camera function, you have to appreciate it, enjoy it, use it whenever you need to capture something. Some might not be fans of commercial slogans, but Kodak is right this time: share moments, share life. Everyone knows the feeling not having the camera with him at certain times... 2 and 3 megapixel-thumbs up!


Smog a la Tokyo

Blick zu Tokyo Bay / Odaiba von Tokyo Tower (24.7.2004)
View from Tokyo Tower to Tokyo Bay / Odaiba (July 24th, 2004)

Smog, wo? Auf dem Bild sieht man doch gar nichts... Genau das ist das Problem. Jede noch so aufregende Stadt versinkt unter der Smogwolke zur grauen Maus. Für Reisende, die bei ihrer nächsten Reise nach Tokyo oder sonstigen Metropolen einen klaren Blick haben wollen. Probiert es doch im Winter.

Smog? Where? I don't see anything... that's actually the problem. Every yet so fascinating city becomes a unattractive view from above in smoggy conditions. For travellers who wish a clear sight when going to Tokyo or any other metropolis. Check it/them out in winter, chances are higher then.


Be quiet.

CKS Memorial Hall in Taipei, Taiwan

On a bad weather day in August I decided to head to the CKS memorial hall for some tourism photos. This one was by far the most interesting one that day. Who would even dare to shout it out loud? Give it a try and he'll give you a shot ;) Chances are that he will only think about it though.


Found my old page...!

Das hat jetzt zwar absolut nichts mit Futakotamagawa etc. direkt zu tun, aber ich habe doch tatsächlich über Google und dann indirekt über eine alte Seite eines Freundes, von dem er womöglich auch nichts mehr weiß, meine erste Internet-Homepage anno dazumal (1998) gefunden. Ich dachte, die existiert gar nicht mehr, was für eine Freude. ;)


Photo show page updated!

Clique ici pour voir tous les photos que j'ai fait a Tokyo (choisies parmi 700 a peu pres)! Des photos sont en ordre au website maintenant.


Might it be...

We came across this guy who was apparently very fond of shopping in Ginza. After watching this photo more carefully, I asked myself: "Couldn't it be the prime minister of Japan himself?". The resemblance is remarkable. A friend of me suggested that Mr. Koizumi might have to carry all the goods for his wife home who is into shopping. Maybe.



New photos on the forum: get a glimpse of Akihabara! As soon as all photos are posted on the forum, they will be compiled on my photo page.

新しくて秋葉原写真がフォラムにあるよ!写真がみんなフォラムにあったら、すぐ後でphoto showに見つかることができるよ。


Yurikamome Passnet ticket

Yurikamome Passnet 

Tempura und co.

Waiting for exhilaration?

Dude, where's my money?!

500 Yen for a Kacha-kacha in Akihabara. It's much money, I must admit... but you can get a view of her breast (wow!), if you spend that 200 or 300 Yen more. Just imagine how much factory workers in China would have to work for it, let alone children. Absolutely contrary to this McDonald's "I'm loving it" ad.

About: Futakotamagawa 二子玉川

It's not just a station... it's Futakotamagawa in Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo. More than that it's the best hub ever for passengers who desire to get from Shibuya Station to Kaminoge. Watch this!



C'est pas juste une station... c'est Futakotamagawa a Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo. En plus, elle est le plus le mieux choix pour aller de Shibuya a Kaminoge, si tu prends le train/metro. Vois la-bas!

Es ist nicht nur eine Station... sondern Futakotamagawa in Setagaya Bezirk, Tokyo. Darüber hinaus ist sie die beste Umsteigmöglichkeit von Shibuya nach Kaminoge, wenn du mit der U-Bahn fährst. Schau doch selber!

The Oimachi Line.

From Oimachi to Futakotamagawa.

At Den-En Toshi line platform. Is it love?